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SmileGuard™ resin digital workflow for night guards
Presented By Jonny Jakson
Originally Aired on October 27, 2022

What is the digital workflow for SmileGuard night guards? In this webinar, learn how to successfully design your guards in Exocad, nest in the Envision RP software, print on the Einstein 3D printer, and post-process in the Otoflash for a predictable cure and quality finish.
Join Jonny “Jonny Exocad” Jakson for his first-hand product experience beta testing the durability of the material, ease of support removal, and comfort of fit. How can this breakthrough dental resin and digital workflow deliver a predictable experience and quality care? Register today and find out.
About the Presenter
Jonny joined the dental industry back in 2015. Eager to change lives with a passion that runs in the family dental lab blood, he has quickly risen to that vision. Jonny is a digital workflow specialist for Evolve Dentistry, a full-service dental laboratory in Buffalo, NY, and due to his skill set and coaching abilities has affectionately gained the nickname “Jonny Exocad” for his celebrated craftsmanship in design and deep understanding of end-to-end CADCAM workflows. Jonny is a Desktop Health beta tester for breakthrough SmileGuard resin, educator, and artist.
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