Free On-Demand Webinar
The 1 Hour Denture
Presented By Wally Renne, DMD
Originally Aired on April 1, 2022

Join Dr. Wally Renne on a start to finish patient case as he demonstrates how to complete a digital denture in 1 hour as featured in the video ‘The Denture Games’. From digital impressions to design, 3D printing to air-brush characterization, you’ll see firsthand the revolutionary possibilities that 3D printing presents.
About the Presenter
Renowned dental innovator and educator, Dr. Wally Renne is the co-founder of the Modern Optimized Dentistry (MOD) Institute, where he leads all learning and advancement initiatives, and is also a contributing member of MOD Aesthetics, the private practice arm of MOD.
Previously, Dr. Renne also served as a Professor and Assistant Dean of Innovation and Digital Dentistry at the Medical University of South Carolina, and he has won several national and regional awards for his efforts, both pre-clinically and clinically.
With more than 30 published studies on scan and milling accuracy using various systems, and several patents to his name, including a platform of long-term antimicrobial dental materials, Dr. Renne brings a robust wealth of expertise, experience, and regard to the Desktop Health team.
The following content is sponsored by Desktop Health. It has been developed by The MOD Institute and represents the broad professional opinions and possibilities for dental treatment, it is not intended as a step-by-step manual to be completed on a live patient - treating providers should always use their professional discretion when performing the treatment. Dr. Wally Renne is an executive with Desktop Metal, Inc. but the opinions contained herein represent independent viewpoints outside of his regular role and responsibilities.
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