3D Bioplotter Research Papers

Displaying all papers by R. Zhou (1 results)

3D Printing Process Research and Performance Tests on Sodium Alginate-Xanthan Gum-Hydroxyapatite Hybridcartilage Regenerative Scaffolds

3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 2024 Volum3 11, Number 3, Pages e1271–e1286

Cartilage injury is a common occurrence in the modern world. Compared with traditional treatment methods, bio-3D printing technology features better utility in the field of cartilage repair and regeneration, but still faces great challenges. For example, there is currently no means to generate blood vessels inside the scaffolds, and there remains the question of how to improve the biocompatibility of the generated scaffolds, all of which limit the application of bio-3D printing technology in this area. The main objective of this article was to prepare sodium alginate-xanthan gum-hydroxyapatite (SA-XG-HA) porous cartilage scaffolds that can naturally degrade in the human body…